Manifest your Goals into Reality with the Aligned Planner + Journal

About Us


Hi! I’m Chelsea Arns — a mom, wife, and business owner. 


Here's my story about why I created the Aligned Planner + Journal.


Growing up in a lower income home with immigrant parents, I knew I'd have to work hard to have the life I dreamed of. So when I had an opportunity to start my own business, I was determined to be a successful businesswoman and mom.


Well, entrepreneurship turned out to be busier than I ever imagined. Not only was I working long hours as my business grew at a rapid pace… but I also had three children in under three years!


Busy at home and in the office, I set out a 5 year goal plan.... it was big and  audacious... but low and behold.... 5 years later, I had achieved every single goal I set out for myself! 



And yet I was puzzled because despite having everything I ever wanted... it quickly became clear to me that external validations like hitting goals, money, material possessions, and vacations, etc were not the key to happiness. Not only that, but I also wasn't living in the present. It was as if I was in a constant race yet at the end of the day, it felt as if I never had any time left for me. 



I knew something had to change, so I plunged into personal development (thank you Jim Fortin -- this planner was inspired by TCP!) and realized that it was time to shift my focus,  my mind and how I was being. 



 As an experiment, I started choosing happiness every morning and began to intentionally prioritize self love with morning and end of day rituals, now featured in the Aligned Planner + Journal. I started living with intention and reciting positive affirmations that reflected the next best version of me. I began to acknowledge and celebrate my wins — even the smallest ones — and journaling about what I was grateful for.


These few things only took me an extra 15 minutes each day, yet not before long, I realized that not only did I start to feel happier, more present and more focused, but I was able to achieve my personal and professional goals with less "hard work" and more joy and more ease. 


The only problem was that to keep track of all this, I was carrying around a high performance planner, a notebook, and a gratitude journal… and that was a hassle!  I searched everywhere for something that would incorporate everything I needed into one book. And I couldn’t find it… so I made my own. 


I created The Aligned Planner and Journal for mindful go-getters with big goals -- and it's different from anything else on the market.


When used daily and consistently, it will help you make your dreams a reality, help you become happier, more self-aware and live an aligned life. 


Every day with the Aligned Planner+ Journal, you will:

  • set intentional goals
  • practice self love with rituals
  • recite positive affirmations that reflect the version of you who has already achieved your desires
  • practice daily gratitude
  • make time to reflect on all the ways your winning
  • form better habits
  • raise your vibration
  • step into the version of yourself that already has achieved everything you want, and BEing and DOing as she/he would, today.



I hope the Aligned Planner and Journal helps you align your life and enjoy the journey as much as it has mine. 


Remember, the journey is the destination!

To learn more about how to use it, join our community by signing up for our email list and check us out on Instagram at @alignedplanner


….. Thanks for your love and support.